Thursday, February 2, 2012

Back to school!

After being on vacation for 7 weeks, going back to class was a little difficult for us. Monday we had our first class at 9am called "The history of Art Markets". This was part of our COB 301 section, but we only had it twice just as an introduction to Belgian art and history. At 2pm we had another COB 301 class which is focused on the European Union and its economy. Our last class at 5:30pm was Operations. All of our classes our three hours long, which I'm definitely not used to! Thankfully our professors give us breaks during the class. Operations seems to be a difficult class and we've already been assigned homework and projects due on Thursday. The professor is young and really nice, but sometimes I have trouble understanding him and reading his hand writing on the board. For lunch, we found this really great sandwich place right across the street called Jean Pierre. Their sandwichs are delicious and only 2 euros. You can also eat at the cafe inside the university.
                                                                Entrance to the University
                                                                 Us in class!
                                                          Courtyard in the University
Wednesday we had a tour of Antwerp in the morning and then Operations class at 2pm. The tour was interesting but freezing cold (23 degrees and windy). I don't think I've ever been so cold in my life. We convinced the tour guide to stop at Mcdonalds to defrost. We also got some heat when we visited the museum/ house of Rubens, one the most famous Belgian artists.
                                                         City hall of Antwerp
This morning we had a meeting to join the international "fraternity" called ESN (Erasmus). It is only 7 euros to join, and they have a lot of parties and trips. When they go to bars or clubs you can get free entrances and free drinks. Tonight they are having a free keg for us at De Prof bar, so I think we are going to go. Today we also had our first finance class that seems pretty intense. The professor isn't as friendly as the other ones. We also did our group project for operations, which went really well.
                                                  Us before going out to the bars!
This weekend a few of us are going to Amsterdam! We found a hostel in the center of the city for only 20 euros a night. The train is only 18 euros (one way). So leaving around 6pm and arriving around 8pm. We got a 10-bedroom suite, so most of us will be in the same room. Other people that are going are in different rooms or different hostels but still close. Can't wait to experience the city and nightlife. Apparently we are also very close the Anne Frank museum/house, so hopefully we will be able to visit that too.

Update when I get back!

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